Pasta Minyak Kolor Kut


Kolor Kut Gasoline Gauging Paste

  • GENUINE Kolor Kut Gauging Paste. It’s easy to use by spreading onto a dipstick, or other graduated rod. Can be applied to any instrument.
  • Successfully gauge the level of gasoline, diesel, jet fuels, kerosene, gas, oil, natural gasoline, crude oil within storage tanks.
  • Applied to a rod / length of string with bottom weight and lowered to the bottom of a fuel tank
  • Paste changes colour where it comes into contact with Gasoline / Petrol, giving you a visual indication as to the depth of the Gasoline
  • No expiration date



GASOLINE FINDING PASTEis light pink in colour and turns red upon contact with Gasoline, Diesel, Kerosene, Crude Oil, JetFuels and other HydroCarbons.
Employed To Determine the Contents of Storage Tanks Containing Gasoline or Volatile Solvents.

KOLOR KUT GASOLINE GAUGING PASTEPasta Minyak adalah sebuah produk dengan tingkat indikator paling efektif yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi ketinggian atau kadar cairan minyakpetroleum. Produk ini berwarna merah muda terang dan seketika akan berubah menjadi merah jika terjadi kontak dengan bensin,minyak diesel,naphtha,minyak tanah,minyak mentah,bahan bakar jet,dan hidrokarbon lainnya.
Packaged in 2.25oz Plastic Jars Only

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