Jual Itron Electronic Volume Converter, Jual Itron Gas Volume Converter, ITRON CORUS EN V2, Itron EVC CORUS PTZ


Katalog : 
Electronic Volume Converter CORUS PTZ


Itron Corus PTZ
Gas Volume Converter
Corus is an electronic volume converter dedicated to commercial and industrial applications. It converts the actual volume measured by the gas meter to reference conditions. Thus, Corus is a key element in the whole Itron chain, from the meter to billing data.


Itron Corus PTZ
Gas Volume Converter
Corus is an electronic volume converter dedicated to commercial and industrial applications. It converts the actual volume measured by the gas meter to reference conditions. Thus, Corus is a key element in the whole Itron chain, from the meter to billing data. EVC ini dipasang di turbine gas Meter Itron Fluxi 2000/TZ
Itron Turbine Gas Meter
Turbine gas meters are flow meters. They are used to measure medium to high gas flow, at low, medium or high pressure. The Fluxi 2000/TZ meters have been optimized for use in all applications related to the transportation and distribution of gas. Fluxi 2000/TZ meters are approved for fiscal use.
They are smart ready, meaning that they are all equipped for future communication needs.

Jual Turbin Gas Meter Itron Fluxi 2000/TZ DN50 G65, Jual Turbin Gas Meter Itron Fluxi 2000/TZ DN80 G100, Jual Turbin Gas Meter Itron Fluxi 2000/TZ DN80 G160, Jual Turbin Gas Meter Itron Fluxi 2000/TZ DN80 G250, Jual Turbin Gas Meter Itron Fluxi 2000/TZ DN100 G160, Jual Turbin Gas Meter Itron Fluxi 2000/TZ DN100 G250, Jual Turbin Gas Meter Itron Fluxi 2000/TZ DN100 G400, Jual Turbin Gas Meter Itron Fluxi 2000/TZ DN150 G400, Jual Turbin Gas Meter Itron Fluxi 2000/TZ DN150 G650, Jual Turbin Gas Meter Itron Fluxi 2000/TZ DN150 G1000, Jual Turbin Gas Meter Itron Fluxi 2000/TZ DN200 G650, Jual Turbin Gas Meter Itron Fluxi 2000/TZ DN200 G1000, Jual Turbin Gas Meter Itron Fluxi 2000/TZ DN200 G1600, Jual Turbin Gas Meter Itron Fluxi 2000/TZ DN250 G1000, Jual Turbin Gas Meter Itron Fluxi 2000/TZ DN250 G1600, Jual Turbin Gas Meter Itron Fluxi 2000/TZ DN250 G2500, Jual Turbin Gas Meter Itron Fluxi 2000/TZ DN300 G1600, Jual Turbin Gas Meter Itron Fluxi 2000/TZ DN300 G2500, Jual Turbin Gas Meter Itron Fluxi 2000/TZ DN300 G4000, Jual Turbin Gas Meter Itron Fluxi 2000/TZ DN400 G2500, Jual Turbin Gas Meter Itron Fluxi 2000/TZ DN400 G4000, Jual Turbin Gas Meter Itron Fluxi 2000/TZ DN400 G6500

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