Pasta Air Kolor Kut

KOLOR KUT /Pasta Minyak Gasoline Gauging finder Brand made in USA Kolor kut adalah Pasta yang digunakan sebagai alat bantu yang di oleskan pada stik tangki ukur BBM yang berfungsi untuk mengukur kapasitas minyak yang terdapat pada tangki penampungan BBM atau Tangki Pendam maupun Penampungan lain. Simpan pada kisaran suhu 35 F hingga 115 F untuk pengawetan produk terbaik


KOLOR KUT WATER FINDING PASTE is golden brown in colour and turns brilliant red upon contact with water. This product will successfully gauge water content in all petroleum and hydrocarbons as well as sulphuric acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, ammonia, soap solutions, salt and other chloride solutions.
Directions for use:
Place a thin film of KOLOR KUT WATER FINDING PASTE on a clean gauge line, or rod, approximately where water level is expected to appear. Lower the tape into the tank until the bottom is reached and, on removal, the water level will appear by positive contrast of colours. Instantaneously in gasoline, diesel, kerosene and gas oils but heavy oils will require a few seconds to show.

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